After lodgement

The process following the lodgement of your applicant is as follows:

Initial assessment and notification

Council will:

  • advise you of the planner assessing your application
  • review the information provided and request any additional information needed to assess your application
  • notify neighbouring landowners by letter (where applicable)
  • send external referrals to the relevant departments (if not already done so via the NSW Planning Portal)
  • undertake internal Council referrals

You are able to keep updated with the application process via Application Enquiry


During the assessment process:

  • a site inspection will be carried out
  • submissions from the public and internal/external referrals will be received
  • a complete formal assessment against all relevant legislation will be carried out
  • a report with recommendations for approval (with conditions) or refusal (with reasons) will be prepared


A decision will be made by either:

A delegated Council Officer

Council Officers have delegation from from the Chief Executive Officer and the elected Council (Councillors) to determine certain applications on behalf of Council.

Councillors at a formal Council meeting

The elected Council determines applications that are of a controversial nature, have attracted a large number of objections or where the assessing officer's delegation is withdrawn.

A Regional Planning Panel

Regionally significant development applications (DAs) and certain other DAs are determined by a Regional Planning Panel. The Panel is an independent body and their determination is not subject to the direction of the Planning Minister.

Once a decision is made, the applicant will be given a Notice of Determination and Stamped Plans, and written notice will also be provided to those who have made submissions.

If dissatisfied, the applicant may seek:

  • A Review of Determination
  • Modification of Consent
  • Appeal to the Land and Environment Court

Development commencement

If you do not require any other forms of approval, you can commence development in accordance with the conditions of consent.

A Notice of Commencement must be lodged with Council at least two days prior to commencement of works.

If your proposal involves building or structural work you will normally require a Construction Certificate (CC) as well as a Development Application (DA) before you can commence work. You can apply for a CC at the same time as your DA, or apply after lodging your DA.

Once a Construction Certificate/Complying Development Certificate is issued, you must notify Council of your choice of principle certifying authority (PCA). The role of a PCA is to ensure that the construction is in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and other relevant Australian Standards. Our Lakemac Planning and Building Services team can be your PCA.

Development occupation/use

Mandatory inspections are undertaken during construction, either by Council or an accredited private certifier.

When construction is completed and considered compliant, a final inspection will be undertaken an an Occupation Certificate issued. The building should not be occupied prior to an Interim or Final Occupation Certificate being issued.