West Wallsend District Sustainable Neighbourhood Group

Our aim is to assist community members to create the type of sustainable neighbourhood that they want. Our current major project is the conversion of the former Holmesville Tennis Courts to a Community Garden. We will also be shortly commencing a Repair Cafe to teach residents how to repair and adjust clothes or do minor houshold repairs such as sharpening garden tools.  Work parties are held in the Holmesville Community Gardens on the first Wednesday and fourth Saturday of the month from around 9:30 am. We hold informal meeting in the Holmesville Community Gardens Hall on the third Tuesday of the month from 6:30 pm. 


We are a group of residents and friends of West Wallsend, Holmesville, Seahampton, Barnsley, Killingworth and O'Donneltown who have joined forces to create the West Wallsend District Sustainable Neighbourhood Group. Our aims are to promote sustainable living, to live within the limits of our environment, to protect and restore our bushland, and to create an active, engaged, friendly and caring community.



16 George Street, Holmesville 2286,     View in Google Maps

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