Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.Face to face Duty building and planning enquiries will commence from the temporary CSC at Speers Point Library from Tuesday 14 January 2025.
Southlakes U3A (University of the Third Age) is based in the Morisset area and offers a wide variety of activities for those who have reached retirement and are looking for opportunities to keep mind and body active.
More than 40 classes are held to serve over 300 members in a relaxed and non-competitive environment.
Courses on offer include art, craft, music, languages, dance, exercise, games, history and current affairs.
Members may attend as many classes as they wish for an annual fee of $50.
The program runs from February to November with breaks coinciding with school holidays.
For information visit www.southlakes.u3anet.org.au, phone 0416254787 or email [email protected]