Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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The aim of the Probus Club is to provide fellowship, social outings, and a wide range of activities.
Monthly meetings are held at Newcastle United Sports Club 2/12 Bryant Street, Adamstown NSW 2289 on the 4th Friday of each month. Meeting time is 10:00 AM for a 10:15 AM start. These meetings give the opportunity to inform members on a variety of topics by guest speakers. The meetings finish around 12:15 PM.
Many of their members then stay on to have lunch (at own cost), on a personal basis, in the Restaurant and enjoy further fellowship. This is not part of the “formal” meeting.
There are various other activities held throughout each month which will be advised at each monthly meeting, in their monthly Bulletin, or on their website.
The Probus Club origins date back to 1984 when the Probus Club of Honeysuckle was formed. Club membership is approximately 60 members with the books remaining open to welcome new members.
Newcastle United Sports Club, 2/12 Bryant Street, Adamstown Heights 2289 View in Google Maps
2/12 Bryant Street , Adamstown Heights 2289
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