Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Share the joy of gardening with the friendly crowd at the Holmesville Community Garden. Share the workload and harvest from the communal garden beds for a small membership fee or enquire about leasing a garden bed for your own use. Everyone is welcome to attend the regular garden gatherings on the second Wednesday and fourth Saturday of the month, from 9am at the garden (old tennis court), 16 George Street, Holmesville. Have a look around the garden and enjoy a social catch up and a cuppa.
Gatherings start around 9am and usually run for 2-3 hours or as demand dictates.
Second Tuesday of the month, and fourth Saturday of the month.
Check the Facebook page for last minute changes.
16 George St, Holmesville 2286 View in Google Maps
16 George St , Holmesville 2286
Google Map Instructions
Press arrow keys to pan
Press plus or minus keys to zoom
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Press M for roadmap view
Press S for satellite view
Press H for hybrid view
Press T for terrain view