Dutch Society Concordia

Dutch/Australian Society CONCORDIA Newcastle and Hunter. Concordia does not have its own clubhouse. Concordia is active by having an all you can eat lunch and entertainment afternoon six times a yearin the Cardiff RSL. Members pay $20.00pp, Non-members pay $25.00 pp. during 2017 this costing is reviewed once a year. A special Annual Dutch Day is held every first Saturday in December. This hugely successful day includes the arrival of St Nicholasasone of the highlights. Mostly Dutch-born parents, grandparents and great-grandparents including all those interested in the Dutch culture or having an association with the Netherlands can bring their off-spring for a Dutch day in the park. No entrance fee is charged, everyone is welcome to attend. The festivities will be held at Marmong Park - George Street, Marmong Point. Starts mostly around midday. The club is also in close contact with the Dutch Instuif Group in the Lake Macquarie area. CONTACT: The Hon. Secretary, Editor and PR officer


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