Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Hall available for booking which includes two large rooms, toilets, kitchen and is wheelchair accessible. Warners Bay Girl Guides is a volunteer organisation, offering fun activities for girls ages 5-18 years and the adults who run the activities. We meet at the hall on a Monday night from 6pm during school terms. Pre-Junior Guides 5-7 years (not held at Warners Bay)
Junior Guides 6-10 years. 6-7:30pm. We accept girls who have done at least 1 term of kindergarten. Girl Guides 10-14 years, 6-8pm Senior Guides 14-18 years 6-8pm Girls can attend for 2 weeks for free to try it out.
Find us on Facebook here.
Lamington Lodge, 4 Lamington Drive, Eleebana 2282 View in Google Maps
4 Lamington Drive , Eleebana 2282
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