Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Cubs are boys and girls aged 8-11 and Scouts are boys and girls aged 11-14 who like to have fun, make friends, learn new skills and most of all, go on adventures. Cubs meet on Tuesdays 6.30pm - 8pm and Scouts on Thursdays 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
As part of a worldwide organisation, Scouts Australia NSW engages and inspires young Australians to develop confidence, resilience and leadership. We are the best at delivering fun diverse programs that develop skills for life!
Valentine Scout Hall, 7D St Johns Dr, Croudace Bay 2280 View in Google Maps
7D St Johns Dr , Croudace Bay 2280
Google Map Instructions
Press arrow keys to pan
Press plus or minus keys to zoom
Shortcut keys
Press M for roadmap view
Press S for satellite view
Press H for hybrid view
Press T for terrain view
Tuesday: CubsThursday: Scouts