Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.Face to face Duty building and planning enquiries will commence from the temporary CSC at Speers Point Library from Tuesday 14 January 2025.
Joey Scouts - The emphasis is on fun and friendship, and a gentle introduction to a world of challenges and adventures through Scouting.
Cub Scouts - There are lots of fun activities that entertain and teach the youth the basic skills of life.
Scouts - Gives young people the opportunity to take part in a range of activities that teach important life skills - while having fun and keeping active!
Venturers - Is a do-it-yourself mix of fun, adventure and personal challenge that brings together like-minded young people from all walks of life.
Scouts Australia NSW provides young Aussies aged 5 to 25 with fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure. Scouting encourages young people to: - become well rounded young people who believe in their abilities and future potential - be well equipped to face life’s challenges - become strong leaders as well as effective team players - make a constructive contribution to the community in which they live
1st Belmont Scout Group, 52 Ernest Street, Belmont 2280 View in Google Maps
52 Ernest Street , Belmont 2280